River of thoughts

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River of thoughts by Mind Map: River of thoughts

1. Udaan

1.1. product tasks

1.1.1. ptr documentation

1.1.2. geo pan india food

1.1.3. competitve requirements

1.2. tech tasks

1.2.1. geo pricing permissions

1.2.2. add approval page columns

1.2.3. ptr ui feedback before setting price

1.2.4. aapium scrape data

1.2.5. rejected all pending intents in 10 days

1.3. support tasks

1.3.1. get pincodes and cluster info from teams

1.3.2. hariom help process price changes

1.3.3. ptr rollout complete

2. Ode

2.1. check facebook api get data

2.2. send account details

3. Flutter

3.1. app with cognito login

4. H1B

4.1. Madhu & Seenappa

4.1.1. Call and finalize process

4.1.2. Pay dues for process

4.1.3. Wait for result

4.2. dharma reddy Tekwaves

4.2.1. start process

4.2.2. pay dues

4.2.3. wait for results


5.1. curate requirements

5.2. design quick prototype

5.3. evaulate prototype get feedback

5.4. plan further

6. React Native

7. Aprola