My Life

1. 2002
2. 2010
3. 2012
3.1. Clearing Hotan House loan
3.1.1. down payment of 300K RMB
3.1.2. Sent 40K RMB in May
3.1.3. Need to pay some more soon
3.1.4. New node
3.2. Paying my 3rd installment fee(1st Dec)
3.2.1. Paid 7K USD in May
3.2.2. Need to pay in Dec
3.3. Go Dubai for 2nd Semester classes (end of Sept )
3.4. Clearing Indian bank loans
3.4.1. Sent 300K INR
3.5. My cat arabic
3.5.1. Level 1 of Classic arabic
3.5.2. Started Lebanese arabic
4. 2013
4.1. Travel...Europe/Singapore/Indonesia?
4.2. Paying MBA fee (June&December)
4.3. Pay some money to SZ house?
4.4. My cat do IELTS for MBA?
4.5. Little one schooling
5. 2014
5.1. My MBA graduation degree
5.2. My job 2nd contract term will over
5.3. My cat MBA will continue/finish
5.4. Little one schooling...
6. 2010
6.1. My sweetheart born
6.2. Cedarcom Job
6.3. Move to Lebanon
6.4. Support Gas station project in India
7. 2011
7.1. My 2 cats joined me
7.2. Joined MBA
7.2.1. Paid 7K USD in December
7.3. My cat started Arabic
7.3.1. Beginning level completed-Classic arabic