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How to Go Shopping in English? により Mind Map: How to Go Shopping in English?

1. How to ask for something in English, and the replies you might recieve?

1.1. Approach an assistant: Excuse me, do you sell (washing up liquid)? or Excuse me, I am looking for (washing up liquid).

1.2. If the shop is large, such as a supermarket, and they do sell it, these are some of the words you may hear in response:

1.2.1. * Aisle - (Example: ‘It’s in Aisle 12.’). * Counter * Department * Display * Window Display

2. Phrases an Assistant or Sales Person Might Use

2.1. Can I help you? or Are you looking for something in particular? are the sort of phrases they will use. They are hoping to start a conversation that will lead to a sale.

2.2. If you would like help, then the sort of responses you can give are: Yes please, I am looking for… or Yes please, how much are…? (if you wish to know the cost of an item).

2.3. If you do not want their help, then a polite way of sending them away is to say: I’m fine thanks, just browsing. Some sales people find it hard to give up a chance of a sale.

2.4. Another phrase that can be used to send them away is: I’m only looking today.

3. Conversation Endings

3.1. We sell a lot of these. A good choice. Is this a present for someone?

3.2. Once your purchases are complete, there are a number of questions that you may be asked.

3.2.1. * Would you like a bag? – * Would you like a receipt? –

3.3. Most conversation endings, though, are just made up of a polite remark.

3.3.1. Take care. Hope you have a good day. See you later. Which doesn’t necessarily mean that they will! Thanks, Thank you or Goodbye.

4. Types of Shops in English.

4.1. Bakers – a shop selling bread and cakes.

4.2. Butchers – a shop selling meat.

4.3. Charity Shop – A shop selling usually second-hand goods (ones that have been owned before) such as clothes, books, ornaments and toys, where the money raised goes to charity.

4.4. Chemist – a shop selling medicines and toiletries (such as soap and shampoo).

4.5. Boutique – A shop selling fashionable items, usually clothes.

4.6. Corner shop – a small, local shop, that sells food and often a range of other useful goods.

4.7. Deli – a shop that sells foods, often from other countries, that are often not found in supermarkets.

4.8. Dairy – a shop selling milk products.

4.9. Cash and Carry – A shop like a supermarket, where items are cheaper, although the range will be less. You normally have to become a ‘member’ to use a cash and carry.

4.10. Department Store – A large shop, usually in a town or city centre, selling a wide range of goods, from electrical to clothing to toys.

4.11. Drycleaners – a shop to clean suits, dresses and items you cannot wash at home.

4.12. Grocers – a shop, usually small, selling food and household goods.

4.13. Greengrocers – a small shop selling fresh fruit and vegetables.

4.14. Hardware Shop – A shop selling goods we use in the home, such as washing up bowls, hammers and nails and often cleaning products.

4.15. Off Licence – A small store selling alcohol and soft drinks.

4.16. Newsagents – A shop selling newspapers, cards and stationery goods such as pens and pencils.

4.17. Supermarket – A large shop selling a wide range of goods. Mostly foodstuff and household goods; many larger stores also sell clothes and electrical goods.

5. Online Shopping

5.1. There is a picture of the product you want to buy, and the process of buying is usually simple to follow.

6. Your rights

6.1. If you do have a problem with something you buy, you should take it back to the shop from which you purchased it. Bigger stores will have a returns or customer service desk.

6.1.1. Excuse me, the kettle I purchased doesn’t work. Excuse me, this shirt has a tear in it. Excuse me, I bought these shoes a week ago and the bottom (or sole) is coming off.

6.2. Then hand over the goods and the receipt proving that you purchased them. The shop will then exchange or offer a refund. If you have a problem, and cannot find the words to take the argument further, then most towns have a ‘Citizens Advice Bureau’ who will help you out.