Campaign/Automation Flow

Sequence Map for Membership Ontraport

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Campaign/Automation Flow by Mind Map: Campaign/Automation Flow

1. Sales Page Purchase

1.1. User Enters into Ontraport Campaign

1.2. Tag for Adolescents 101 is added

1.3. Http post is ran to generate username and password

1.4. Place 5 minute wait to make sure http post has time to communicate

1.5. Welcome email sent to user - this welcome email will include the link to the site and that users username and password

1.6. Wait 1 week and send Week 1 email to users discussing Module 2

1.7. Wait 1 weeks and send Week 2 email to users named Module 2 in Dropbox

1.8. Wait 1 week and send Week 3 email to users named Module 3 in Dropbox

1.9. Wait 1 week and send Week 4 email to users named Module 4 in Dropbox

1.10. Wait 1 week and send Week 5 email to users named Module 5 in Dropbox

1.11. Additional completion tag should be added once all modules are completed. This tag should trigger post-survey questionnaire.

2. Current WebForm Completion

2.1. This option is used for users that we are providing a test drive to.

2.2. Tag user with Adolescent 101 has access tag

2.3. Trigger HTTP post that generates username and password

2.4. Wait 5 minutes before Welcome email goes out

2.5. Welcome email is sent - this includes the link to the site - username and password

2.6. Wait 1 week and send out week 1 email - named module 1 in dropbox

2.7. Wait 1 week and send out week 2 email named module 2 in dropbox

2.8. Wait 1 week and send email which sends them to the upsell page for the rest of the course

2.9. Apply suspend tag awaiting decision on remainder of course.

2.9.1. If yes to purchase, remove suspend tag, and reapply access tag If no purchase - suspend tag is continued Move user to nurturing sequence

2.9.2. Continue with week 3 email named module 3 in dropbox

2.9.3. Continue with week 4 email names module 4 in dropox

2.9.4. Continue with week 5 email named module 5 in dropbox

2.9.5. Apply completion tag

2.9.6. Tag should trigger post survey questionnaire.