21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

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21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by Mind Map: 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

1. 7. Respect

1.1. Seven = KEVIN

1.1.1. KEVIN (from the Office) is impersonating Rodney Dangerfield... "I don't get no RESPECT!!!" Churchill is dying laughing!

1.2. Notes

1.2.1. People Naturally Follow Leaders Stronger Than Themselves

1.2.2. You need to have the skills and competence necessary to be respected.

2. 10. Connection

2.1. Ten = BEN (Big)

2.1.1. Big BEN's circle is in the shape of a HEART and the HANDS are reaching down to CONNECT with people.

2.2. Notes

2.2.1. Leaders Touch a Heart Before Ask for a Hand

2.2.2. Learn how to connect with others.

2.2.3. Show you care before asking for help.

3. 6. Solid Ground

3.1. Six = BRICKS

3.1.1. Churchill (still in his bathing suit) is now filling the pool with BRICK that say TRUST on them making it SOLID GROUND

3.2. Notes

3.2.1. Trust Is the Foundation of Leadership

3.2.2. Competence, connection and great character are necessary to form a solid ground where your team trusts you

4. 1. The Lid

4.1. One = FUN

4.1.1. Churchill is jumping in a trampoline inside the War Room and keeps hitting his head on the ceiling (lid) which makes his top-hat and cigar crumple

4.2. Notes

4.2.1. Leadership Ability Determines a Person’s Level of Effectiveness

4.2.2. Work at raising your lid/ceiling or your impact will be limited.

5. 2. Influence

5.1. Two = FLU

5.1.1. Churchill has 105º fever, feels horrible, but is INFLUENCING by giving a radio address.

5.2. Notes

5.2.1. The True Measure of Leadership Is Influence – Nothing More Nothing Less

5.2.2. People will follow you if you have influence. It is earned based on your experience, connections, and knowledge.

6. 3. Process

6.1. Three = TREE

6.1.1. Churchill grows (PROCESS) into a gigantic TREE-man over a process of 365 days (grow daily)

6.2. Notes

6.2.1. Leadership Develops Daily, Not in a Day

6.2.2. Be committed to lifelong learning, and continue to develop and improve upon your skills.

7. 4. Navigation

7.1. Four = War Board

7.1.1. Churchill looks at MASSIVE WALL MAP as he charts the course.

7.2. Notes

7.2.1. Anyone can Can Steer the Ship, but It Takes a Leader to Chart the Course

7.2.2. Chart the course: planning and preparation will help you lead others to your goals

8. 5. Addition

8.1. Five = DIVE

8.1.1. Churchill is in his tiny bathing suit and he DIVES into a pool of numbers and math symbols splashing on those around him (adding value)

8.2. Notes

8.2.1. Leaders Add Value by Serving Others

8.2.2. Help others get ahead and advance themselves.

9. 8. Intuition

9.1. Eight = MATE!

9.1.1. With INTUITION, Churchill beats a 10-year-old Hitler (mustache and everything) in a game of chess with his eyes closed and screams "MATE!" as in checkmate.

9.2. Notes

9.2.1. Leaders Evaluate Everything with a Leadership Bias

9.2.2. Take stock quickly and be able to take appropriate action.

10. 9. Magnetism

10.1. Nine = MINE

10.1.1. Churchill has a beeping LANDMINE detector with a red and white horseshoe MAGNET on the end and he's looking for people buried in the sand that look just like him.

10.2. Notes

10.2.1. Who you are is who you attract

10.2.2. The better leader you are, the better people you will attract

11. 11. Inner Circle

11.1. Eleven = HEAVEN

11.2. Notes

11.2.1. A Leader’s Potential Is Determined by Those Closest to Him

11.2.2. You cannot do anything great alone. Bring others with you to make a bigger impact.

11.2.3. Choose your inner circle wisely: good people and leaders, hard workers, etc

12. 12. Empowerment

12.1. Notes

12.1.1. Only Secure Leaders Give Powers to Others

12.1.2. Give resources to others and the freedom for them to achieve

13. 14. Buy In

13.1. Notes

13.1.1. People Buy into the Leader, Then the Vision

13.1.2. People must buy into you; just because your vision is good, does not mean they will follow you

14. 13. the Picture

14.1. Notes

14.1.1. People Do What People See

14.1.2. Lead by example.

14.1.3. Answer: why, what, and how for each action you take

15. 15. Victory

15.1. Notes

15.1.1. Leaders Find a Way for the Team to Win

15.1.2. Be unwilling to accept defeat or failure

15.1.3. Be passionate about getting your team to win and be successful

16. 16. Big-Mo/Momentum

16.1. Notes

16.1.1. Momentum Is a Leader’s Best Friend

16.1.2. To make changes you need momentum

16.1.3. Get things moving; make problems seem smaller and things more exciting

17. 17. Priorities

17.1. Notes

17.1.1. Leaders Understand That Activity Is Not Necessarily Accomplishment

17.1.2. 80:20 rule- 80% of the results come from 20% of the effort

18. 18. Sacrifice

18.1. Notes

18.1.1. A Leader Must Give Up to Go Up

18.1.2. Leaders give up more than others and sacrifice certain rights as they go up

18.1.3. Put others before yourself

19. 19. Timing

19.1. Notes

19.1.1. When to Lead Is As Important As What to Do and Where to Go

19.1.2. Know when to lead. Take the right actions at the right time for best results

19.1.3. Cultivate understanding, confidence, and maturity

20. 20. Explosive Growth

20.1. Notes

20.1.1. To Add Growth, Lead Followers – To Multiply Lead Leaders

20.1.2. Concentrate on developing leaders so your impact is multiplied.

21. 21. Legacy

21.1. Notes

21.1.1. A Leader’s Lasting Value Is Measured by Succession

21.1.2. Legacy is a leader's value that will be how you are remembered.

21.1.3. Train others well and make yourself replaceable.

21.1.4. Set your sight on the future; beyond yourown lifetime