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KS4 Physics by Mind Map: KS4 Physics

1. Forces and Motion

1.1. FOMO_e1 - Formulas and measurement for physics

1.1.1. FOMO_001 - Formula triangles FOMO_001p1 - Formula triangles for pressure and density

1.1.2. FOMO_002 - Guidelines for using physics formulas

1.1.3. FOMO_003 - Standard (SI) units

1.1.4. FOMO_004 - Units for force, mass, weight, density and moment

1.1.5. FOMO_005 - Units for pressure, area and volume

1.2. FOMO_e2 - Forces

1.2.1. FOMO_006 - What is a force?

1.2.2. FOMO_007 - What is gravity?

1.2.3. FOMO_008 - Mass vs. Weight

1.2.4. FOMO_009 - What is friction?

1.2.5. FOMO_010 - Examples of friction

1.2.6. FOMO_011 - Force diagrams

1.2.7. FOMO_012 - Balanced and unbalanced forces

1.2.8. FOMO_013 - Using force diagrams

1.3. FOMO_e3 - Motion and momentum

1.3.1. FOMO_014 - First law of motion

1.3.2. FOMO_015 - Second law of motion

1.3.3. FOMO_016 - Resultant force

1.3.4. FOMO_017 - Third law of motion

1.3.5. FOMO_018 - Force diagrams of reaction forces

1.3.6. FOMO_019 - The Difference between Speed and Velocity

1.3.7. FOMO_020 - Acceleration

1.3.8. FOMO_021 - Distance-time graphs

1.3.9. FOMO_022 - Velocity-time graphs

1.3.10. FOMO_023 - Calculating speed, distance and acceleration

1.3.11. FOMO_024 - What is terminal velocity?

1.3.12. FOMO_025 - Braking distances for cars

1.3.13. FOMO_026 - Momentum

1.3.14. FOMO_027 - Calculating momentum

1.4. FOMO_e4 - Springs and moments

1.4.1. FOMO_049 - Mass, Volume and Density

1.4.2. FOMO_029 - Springs and elastic materials

1.4.3. FOMO_030 - What is Hooke's Law?

1.4.4. FOMO_031 - Using Hooke's Law

1.4.5. FOMO_032 - Graphing extension and elastic limits

1.4.6. FOMO_033 - Energy stored in a spring

1.4.7. FOMO_034 - Plastic materials

1.4.8. FOMO_035 - Turning effects - Calculating the moment of a force

1.4.9. FOMO_036 - Examples of levers

1.4.10. FOMO_037 - In Principle of Moments

1.4.11. FOMO_038 - Using the Principle of Moments

1.4.12. FOMO_039 - Centre of mass

1.4.13. FOMO_040 - Toppling and stability

1.5. FOMO_e5 - Pressure

1.5.1. FOMO_041 - What is pressure?

1.5.2. FOMO_042 - How gas particles create pressure

1.5.3. FOMO_043 - What is Boyle's Law?

1.5.4. FOMO_044 - Pressure in solids

1.5.5. FOMO_045 - Pressure in liquids

1.5.6. FOMO_046 - Hydraulic systems

1.5.7. FOMO_047 - Simple pressure calculations

1.5.8. FOMO_048 - Kinetic Theory

1.5.9. FOMO_028 - Deforming forces -- stretching materials

1.6. FOMO_e6 - Mass, Volume and Density

1.6.1. FOMO_050 - Finding the density of a regular object

1.6.2. FOMO_051 - Finding the density of an irregular object

1.6.3. FOMO_052 - Density calculations

1.6.4. FOMO_053 - Floating and sinking

1.6.5. FOMO_054 - Equations of motion

1.6.6. FOMO_055 - Projectile motion

1.6.7. FOMO_056 - Circular motion

1.6.8. FOMO_057 - Centripetal force

1.6.9. FOMO_058 - Period and time of orbit

2. Electricity

2.1. ELEC_e1 - Intro to Electricity

2.1.1. ELEC_001 - What is electricity?

2.1.2. ELEC_002 - Looking at electricity flow (current, voltage, resistance)

2.1.3. ELEC_003 - Units for electricity (volts, amperes, ohms, coulombs)

2.1.4. ELEC_004 - Conductors and insulators

2.1.5. ELEC_005 - Static charge

2.1.6. ELEC_006 - Uses of static electricity (inkjets and photocopiers)

2.1.7. ELEC_007 - Forces between charges

2.1.8. ELEC_008 - What is lightning

2.1.9. ELEC_009 - Moving charges (current electricity)

2.2. ELEC_e2 - Circuits

2.2.1. ELEC_010 - Electric circuits and circuit symbols

2.2.2. ELEC_011 - All about current and electron flow

2.2.3. ELEC_012 - Current flow in electrolytes

2.2.4. ELEC_013 - Series circuits

2.2.5. ELEC_014 - Parallel circuits

2.2.6. ELEC_015 - All about voltage (potential difference)

2.2.7. ELEC_016 - Measuring current and voltage (ammeters and voltmeters)

2.2.8. ELEC_017 - Current-Voltage Graphs (I-V graphs)

2.2.9. ELEC_018 - Resistance and resistors (inc variable)

2.2.10. ELEC_019 - Potential dividers

2.2.11. ELEC_020 - Resistor colour codes

2.2.12. ELEC_021 Drawing circuits diagrams

2.2.13. ELEC_022 Circuit symbols

2.2.14. ELEC_023 Diodes (semiconducting diodes and LEDs)

2.2.15. ELEC_024 - Resistors (variable resistors, thermistors and LDRs)

2.2.16. ELEC_025 - Ohm's law

2.2.17. ELEC_026 - Adding resistances

2.2.18. ELEC_027 - What are series circuits?

2.2.19. ELEC_028 - Series Circuit calculations

2.2.20. ELEC_029 - What are parallel circuits?

2.2.21. ELEC_030 Parallel circuit calculations

2.2.22. ELEC_031 - Parallel connections in a car

2.2.23. ELEC_032 - Non-ohmic devises

2.2.24. ELEC_033 - Alternating and direct current

2.3. ELEC_e3 - Using Electricity

2.3.1. ELEC_034 - Energy transfer from cells, generators, batteries

2.3.2. ELEC_035 - Energy transfer and changes in volt

2.3.3. ELEC_036 - Electricity transmission and transformers

2.3.4. ELEC_037 - The transformer equation

2.3.5. ELEC_038 - Advance electrical circuits

2.3.6. ELEC_039 - Electricity at home mains supply and home circuits

2.3.7. ELEC_040 - Electrical safety

2.3.8. ELEC_041 - Power of electrical devices

2.3.9. ELEC_042 - Calculating the power of an electrical device

2.3.10. ELEC_043 - Calculating fuse sizes

2.3.11. ELEC_044 - Wiring a plug

2.3.12. ELEC_045 - Efficiency of an electrical advice

2.3.13. ELEC_046 Calculating the efficiency of an electrical device

2.3.14. ELEC_047 - Calculating the energy used by a device (using its power)

2.3.15. ELEC_048 - Electricity costs

2.3.16. ELEC_049 - Earthing and fuses

2.3.17. ELEC_050 Capacitators

2.3.18. ELEC_051 The UK national grid

2.3.19. ELEC_052 - Basic set up of power station

2.4. ELEC_e4 - Computing

2.4.1. ELEC_053 - Input, process and output in electronic systems

2.4.2. ELEC_054 - Transistors

2.4.3. ELEC_055 - What are logic gates?

2.4.4. ELEC_056 - Types of logic gates

2.4.5. ELEC_057 - Combination of logic gates

2.4.6. ELEC_058 - Latches of logic gates

3. Magnetism

3.1. MAGN_001e - All about magnets

3.1.1. MAGN_001 - Magnetic fields

3.1.2. MAGN_002 - Magnetic and non-magnetic materials

3.1.3. MAGN_003 - Drawing magnetic field diagrams

3.1.4. MAGN_004 - Magnetic flux

3.1.5. MAGN_005 - Bar magnets and solenoids

3.1.6. MAGN_006 - Electromagnets

3.1.7. MAGN_007 - Magnetising and demagnetising

3.1.8. MAGN_008 - Electromagnet application: circuit breakers

3.1.9. MAGN_009 - Electromagnet application: electric bell

3.1.10. MAGN_010 - How do relay's work?

3.1.11. MAGN_011 - Earth's magnetic field

3.1.12. MAGN_012 - Magnetic compasses

3.1.13. MAGN_013 - Force and current in a magnetic field

3.1.14. MAGN_014 - Fleming's left hand rule

3.2. MAGN_002e - Uses of magnets

3.2.1. MAGN_015 - Magnetic fields in simple electric motors

3.2.2. MAGN_016 - Magnets in loud speakers

3.2.3. MAGN_017 - Electromagnetic induction

3.2.4. MAGN_018 - Generator effect

3.2.5. MAGN_019 - Motor effect

3.2.6. MAGN_020 - Dynamos

3.2.7. MAGN_021 - Magnetic tapes

4. Energy

4.1. ENRG_e1 - What is energy?

4.1.1. ENRG_001 - The ten types of energy

4.1.2. ENRG_002 - Units for energy (watts, joules, seconds)

4.1.3. ENRG_003 - Stored energy: potential and chemical energy

4.1.4. ENRG_004 - What is energy transfer

4.1.5. ENRG_005 - Types of energy transfer

4.1.6. ENRG_006 - Measuring energy (joules)

4.1.7. ENRG_007 - Conservation of energy & conversion of energy

4.2. ENRG_e2 - Efficiency

4.2.1. ENRG_008 - What is energy efficiency?

4.2.2. ENRG_009 - Calculating efficiency

4.2.3. ENRG_010 - Intro to energy calculations

4.2.4. ENRG_011 - What is kinetic energy?

4.2.5. ENRG_012 - Calculating kinetic energy

4.2.6. ENRG_013 - Relationship between kinetic energy and temperature

4.2.7. ENRG_014 - Absolute zero

4.2.8. ENRG_015 - What is potential energy?

4.2.9. ENRG_016 - Calculating potential energy

4.2.10. ENRG_017 - Relating kinetic and potential energy

4.2.11. ENRG_018 - What is work?

4.2.12. ENRG_019 - Calculating work done

4.2.13. ENRG_020 - What is power?

4.2.14. ENRG_021 - Calculating power

4.2.15. ENRG_022 - Calculating electrical energy

4.3. ENRG_e3 - Heat Energy

4.3.1. ENRG_023 - Heat energy transfers

4.3.2. ENRG_024 - Conduction

4.3.3. ENRG_025 - Convection

4.3.4. ENRG_026 - Radiation

4.3.5. ENRG_027 - How colour and texture affect radiation

4.3.6. ENRG_028 - Sankey diagrams

4.3.7. ENRG_029 - State changes

4.3.8. ENRG_030 - Specific heat capacity

4.3.9. ENRG_031 - Using specific heat capacity to calculate energy transferred

4.3.10. ENRG_032 - Conductors and insulators

4.3.11. ENRG_033 - Insulating buildings

4.4. ENRG_e4 - Where do we get our energy?

4.4.1. ENRG_034 - Introduction to energy sources

4.4.2. ENRG_035 - Non-renewable vs. renewable energy sources

4.4.3. ENRG_036 - The Sun's energy

4.4.4. ENRG_037 - Energy chains

4.4.5. ENRG_038 - Nuclear power

4.4.6. ENRG_039 - How do nuclear reactors work?

4.4.7. ENRG_040 - Geothermal energy

4.4.8. ENRG_041 - Generating electricity using fossil fuels

4.4.9. ENRG_042 - Wood burning

4.4.10. ENRG_043 - Wind power

4.4.11. ENRG_044 - Hydroelectricity & pumped storage

4.4.12. ENRG_045 - Wave power

4.4.13. ENRG_046 - Tidal power

4.4.14. ENRG_047 - Solar cells, solar planets and solar furnaces

4.4.15. ENRG_048 - Comparing energy sources

4.4.16. ENRG_049 - Global warming

5. Earth and Space

5.1. ERSP_e1 - Celestial Bodies

5.1.1. ERSP_001 - Stars

5.1.2. ERSP_002 - How do stars form?

5.1.3. ERSP_003 - the HR Diagram

5.1.4. ERSP_004 - The life cycle of stars

5.1.5. ERSP_005 - The milky way galaxy

5.1.6. ERSP_006 - Our solar system

5.1.7. ERSP_007 - Planetary orbits

5.1.8. ERSP_008 - Gravity of celestial bodies

5.1.9. ERSP_009 - Gravitational field strength

5.1.10. ERSP_010 - Viewing other planets from earth

5.1.11. ERSP_011 - Moons

5.1.12. ERSP_012 - Earth's moon

5.1.13. ERSP_013 - The moon's phases

5.1.14. ERSP_014 - Asteroid belts

5.1.15. ERSP_015 - Meteors

5.1.16. ERSP_016 - Comets

5.1.17. ERSP_017 - Black holes

5.1.18. ERSP_018 - Dwarf Planets

5.2. ERSP_e2 - The Universe

5.2.1. ERSP_019 - The Universe

5.2.2. ERSP_020 - Scale of the Universe

5.2.3. ERSP_021 - The big bang theory

5.2.4. ERSP_022 - Redshift and background radiation

5.2.5. ERSP_023 - Steady state theory of the universe

5.2.6. ERSP_024 - An ever-expanding universe or a big crunch?

5.2.7. ERSP_025 - Black holes

5.2.8. ERSP_026 - Dark matter

5.2.9. ERSP_027 - Dark Energy

5.2.10. ERSP_028 - Extraterrestrial life

5.3. ERSP_e3 - Humans in Space

5.3.1. ERSP_029 - Artificial satlellites

5.3.2. ERSP_030- Uses of artificial satellites

5.3.3. ERSP_031 - Space exploration Sub-leveles to be defined - please make suggestions at: [email protected]

5.3.4. ERSP_032 - Space Shuttle

5.3.5. ERSP_033 - the International Space Station

5.3.6. ERSP_034_the NASA

5.3.7. ERSP_035 - the ESA

5.3.8. ERSP_036 - the Space Race during the Cold War

5.3.9. ERSP_037 - the Apollo Program

5.4. ERSP_e4 - The Earth

5.4.1. ERSP_032 - Structure of the earth: inner core to crust

5.4.2. ERSP_033 - How do we know about the earth's structure?

5.4.3. ERSP_034 - What is plate tectonics?

5.4.4. ERSP_035 - Evidence in favour of plate tectonics?

5.4.5. ERSP_036 - Continental drift

5.4.6. ERSP_037 - Collision of plates

5.4.7. ERSP_038 - Sea flood spreading

5.4.8. ERSP_039 - Sliding tectonic plates

5.4.9. ERSP_040 - What are seismic waves?

5.4.10. ERSP_041 - S-waves and p-waves

5.4.11. ERSP_042 - Seismographs

5.4.12. ERSP_043 - Tides

5.5. ERSP_e5 - Other Planets in our Solar System

5.5.1. ERSP_044 - Venus

5.5.2. ERSP_045 - Mercury

5.5.3. ERSP_046 - Mars

5.5.4. ERSP_047 - Jupiter

5.5.5. ERSP_048 - Saturn

5.5.6. ERSP_049 - Uranus

5.5.7. ERSP_50 - Neptun

5.5.8. ERSP_51 - Pluto: a Plutoid, not a Planeet

6. Waves

6.1. WAVE_e1 - Intro to waves

6.1.1. WAVE_001 -What are waves

6.1.2. WAVE_002 - Energy moves in waves

6.1.3. WAVE_003 - Amplitude, wavelength, frequency and period

6.1.4. WAVE_004 - Longitudinal waves

6.2. WAVE_e2 - Light

6.2.1. WAVE_005 - Reflection

6.2.2. WAVE_006 - Reflection of light

6.2.3. WAVE_007 - Reflections in a mirror

6.2.4. WAVE_008 - Drawing reflected waves

6.2.5. WAVE_009 - Total internal reflections

6.2.6. WAVE_010 - How binoculars and periscopes work

6.2.7. WAVE_011 - Other applications of total internal reflection

6.2.8. WAVE_012 - Refraction

6.2.9. WAVE_013 - Refraction of light

6.2.10. WAVE_014 - Refraction of sound

6.2.11. WAVE_015 - Diffraction of waves

6.2.12. WAVE_016 - Dispersion

6.3. WAVE_e3 - Sound

6.3.1. WAVE_017 - Diffraction of sound waves

6.3.2. WAVE_019 - Calculating the speed of waves

6.3.3. WAVE_020 - Sound waves

6.3.4. WAVE_021 - Frequency, wavelength & amplitude of sound waves

6.3.5. WAVE_022 - How do loudspeakers work?

6.3.6. WAVE_023 - How do microphones work?

6.3.7. WAVE_024 - Hearing damage

6.3.8. WAVE_025 - Noise pollution

6.3.9. WAVE_026 - Calculating the speed of sound waves

6.3.10. WAVE_027 - Speed of sound vs. speed of light

6.3.11. WAVE_028 - Echoes

6.3.12. WAVE_029 - What is ultrasound?

6.3.13. WAVE_030 - Ultrasound applications

6.3.14. WAVE_031 - Digital vs. analogue transmission

6.3.15. WAVE_032 - Analogue records vs. Digital CDs and mp3s

6.3.16. WAVE_033 - Amplifying signals

6.3.17. WAVE_034 - The electromagnetic spectrum

6.4. WAVE_e4 - Waves all around us

6.4.1. WAVE_035 - Radio waves

6.4.2. WAVE_036 - Radio communication systems

6.4.3. WAVE_037 - AM radio

6.4.4. WAVE_038 - FM radio

6.4.5. WAVE_039 - Different frequency waves travel via different routes

6.4.6. WAVE_040 - Microwaves

6.4.7. WAVE_041 - Infrared radiation

6.4.8. WAVE_042 - Visible light

6.4.9. WAVE_043 - Ultraviolet light

6.4.10. WAVE_044 - X-Rays

6.4.11. WAVE_045 - Gamma rays

6.4.12. WAVE_046 - Resonance and natural frequency

6.4.13. WAVE_047 - Harmony of musical notes

6.4.14. WAVE_048 - How do sting instruments create sound waves?

6.4.15. WAVE_049 - Interference of waves

6.4.16. WAVE_050 - Light interference

6.4.17. WAVE_051 - Converging and diverging lenses

6.4.18. WAVE_052 - What are virtual images?

6.4.19. WAVE_053 - The physics of photography

7. Radioactivity

7.1. RDAC_e1 - Intro to radiation

7.1.1. RDAC_001 - What is nuclear radiation?

7.1.2. RDAC_002k1 - Types of radiation

7.1.3. RDAC_002k2 - Structure of the Nucleus

7.1.4. RDAC_003 - Alpha Radiation

7.1.5. RDAC_004 - Beta Radiation

7.1.6. RDAC_005 - Gamma rays

7.1.7. RDAC_006 - Blocking radiation

7.1.8. RDAC_007 - Nuclear equations

7.1.9. RDAC_008 - Measuring Radiation

7.1.10. RDAC_009 - Geiger-Muller Tube

7.1.11. RDAC_010 - Half life of Radiation

7.1.12. RDAC_011 - Measuring half life

7.1.13. RDAC_012 - Using half lives to measure time

7.1.14. RDAC_013 - Randomness of radioactivity

7.1.15. RDAC_014 - Nuclear Fission

7.1.16. RDAC_015 - Background radiation

7.2. RDAC_e2 - Using Radioactivity

7.2.1. RDAC_016 - Uses of radioactive materials

7.2.2. RDAC_017 - Applications in Medicine

7.2.3. RDAC_018 - Radioactive dating

7.2.4. RDAC_019 - Using Carbon 14 in Archaeology

7.2.5. RDAC_020 - Radioactivity in Industry

7.2.6. RDAC_021 - Nuclear Power

7.2.7. RDAC_022 - Nuclear Chain Reactions

7.3. RDAC_e4 - Nuclear and Particle Physics

7.3.1. RDAC_023 - Matter and Anti-Matter

7.3.2. RDAC_024 - What are quarks?

7.3.3. RDAC_025 - Nuclear structure and radioactivity

7.3.4. RDAC_026 - Color Change in Radioactive Decay

7.3.5. RDAC_027 - Electron guns and Oscilloscope

7.3.6. RDAC_028 - Particle Accelerators