Prime Minister, David Cameron

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Prime Minister, David Cameron by Mind Map: Prime Minister, David Cameron

1. Ministry of Justice, Ken Clarke. He has responsbility for all parts of the justice system including, courts, prisons and probation services.

1.1. Under secetary of state for justice, Crispin Blunt. Hes in charge of the management service for Justice, he reports back to Ken Clarke.

1.1.1. Her Majesty's Prison Service serves the public by keeping in custody those committed by the courts. Their duty is to help them lead law-abiding lives in custody and after release Her Majestys Inspectorate of Prisons, they inspect prisons to prevent bullying, drug dealing and inhumane punishments.

1.1.2. National Probation Service, a prison to keep out of trouble carried out by probation officers, working with ex offenders Her majestys inspectorates of Probation, inspects probation officers and youth offenders to protect the public.

2. Ministry of Health, Andrew Lansley. Secetary of Sate for health, responsible for the NHS. He deals with any complaints made about pharmacies, hospitals and surgeries.

2.1. Under Secetary of State for Health, Simon Burns. His responsibilities include Legislation, NHS Performance, Health Services.

2.1.1. NHS, £105bn budget per year and has over 2 million employees Health Authourity, Yorkshire and the Humber, mainly focuses on drug and alcohol addiction and other problems Health Care Commision, their job is to inspect NHS facilities and staff, also it investigates any complaints that are made against the NHS.