Freer Enterprise LLC

Holding Operating LLC Plan / Future

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Freer Enterprise LLC by Mind Map: Freer Enterprise LLC

1. Freer Real Estate

1.1. Commercial Property

1.1.1. Patton Way Building Additions

1.1.2. Columbus

1.2. Residential Property

1.2.1. Apartments

1.2.2. Condos

1.2.3. Single-Family Homes

1.3. New Purchases

2. Brokerage Accounts

2.1. Stocks

2.1.1. Enterprise LLC Only

2.2. 401k

2.2.1. Personal

2.2.2. Company Wide

3. VC Investors

3.1. Start-up Companies

3.2. Board of Trustees

3.3. Profit Sharing & Co-investors

4. Freer Foundation

4.1. Charity & Donations

5. Freer Plastic Machinery

5.1. Grow Customer Base

5.2. Implement Marketing Strategy

5.3. Get Contracts

6. Freer Construction

6.1. Commercial Contracting

6.2. Counter Tops

6.3. Concrete Polishing & Repair

6.4. Equipment

6.5. Other Construction

6.5.1. Pools

6.5.2. Blinds

6.5.3. Installation Services Commercial IT Support and Installation Personal IT support

7. Freer Software

7.1. iOS Inventory / Contractor program

7.2. Social Gaming

7.3. Website Maintenance / Creation / Innovation

7.4. Customer Service

8. Freer Acquisitions

8.1. Company Purchase

8.1.1. Retirement Businesses

8.1.2. 2-yr or less ROI

8.1.3. High Profit Margins

8.1.4. Minimal Debt

8.1.5. Franchise Opportunities

8.2. Research & Development

8.2.1. New Ideas

8.2.2. Process Refinement

8.2.3. Rights / Royalty Research Passthrough

8.2.4. Marketing Market Analysis Current Trending

9. Freer Accounting

9.1. Handles All Passthrough Profits / Losses

9.2. Maintains Companies Budget

9.3. Required LLC filings

9.4. Minimize Debt to a Standard 90% debt-free operation for all companies

9.5. Perform Random Audits of Sub-LLC