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Useful Links by Mind Map: Useful Links

1. Rinat Abdullin

1.1. CQRS Starting Page

1.2. Building Blocks of a LOKAD System

1.3. DDD sample of event sourcing in C#

2. Udi Dahan

2.1. Clarified CQRS

3. CQRS Journey (Microsoft patterns & practices)

4. Greg Young

4.1. DDDD by Greg Young (Draft)

4.2. CQRS, Task Based UIs, Event Sourcing agh!

4.3. Unshackle Your Domain (Presentation + Video)

4.4. InfoQ

4.5. Event Store

5. Martin Fowler

5.1. CQRS

5.2. Event Sourcing

6. Domain Driven Design Community

7. Eric Evans

7.1. Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software (Book)

7.2. InfoQ

7.3. DDD Pattern Summaries and Definitions

7.4. Getting started with DDD when surrounded by legacy systems

7.5. Eric Evan's DDD Page

8. Vaughn Vernon

8.1. Effective Aggregate Design

8.1.1. Part 1

8.1.2. Part 2

8.1.3. Part 3

8.2. Implementing Domain-Driven Design (Book)

9. Jimmy Bogard

9.1. Entities, Value Objects, Aggregates and Roots

9.2. Eventual consistency, CQRS and interaction design

10. Allard Buijze

10.1. AxonFramework - Java CQRS Framework

10.2. AxonFramework User Group

11. DDD CQRS User Group

12. Jimmy Nilsson

12.1. Applying Domain-Driven Design and Patterns

13. CQRS Guide

13.1. Case Studies

13.2. CQRS Around the World

14. Michael Schnell

14.1. ddd-4-java

14.2. DDD DSL (Eclipse+Xtext)

15. Lightbend

15.1. Lagom