Envisioning the Future
by jonathan Bean
1. Legend
1.1. Priority Importance indicators
1.1.1. High Priority
1.1.2. Medium Priority
1.1.3. Low Priority
1.2. Task Completion indicators
1.2.1. Not Started
1.2.2. 25% complete
1.2.3. 50% complete
1.2.4. 75% complete
1.2.5. Done
1.3. Flags and Icons
1.3.1. Flags
1.3.2. Icons
2. Notes
3. How
4. visions of the future
4.1. how to handle contradictions
4.1.1. Thesis, antithesis, synthesis, overcome differences through discussion dialectics.
5. Make a smart quiz to understand peole and overcome differences and to make suggestions. https://hackpad.com/Smart-suggestor-IpWlnA1iglD
6. Libertarinaism as a solution to corruption
6.1. Pros and cons
6.1.1. Pros Voluntary com Moral argument:
6.1.2. cons