by Maital Kaminer
1. anions
1.1. nonmetals gain electrons and become negatively charged
2. Hydrogen Bond
2.1. when hydrogen bonds attract to a lesser bond, then hydrogen nucleus is exposed on one side. It bonds to any similar polar molecule.
3. Ionic bond
3.1. When opposites charge( positive and negative)s are attracted to each other.
4. Gilbert Louis
4.1. Explained that electrons and atoms, went in shells around the nulceus. Shell allows a certain number of electrons
5. Cations
5.1. when metals lose an electron and become positively charged
6. August Calcula
6.1. added marks to symbols of atoms.
6.2. Benzine wouldnt fit the formula. 6 molecules wouldnt fit. Carbon combined with other molecules to create more molecules, with his discoveries
7. Covalent Bonds
7.1. Electrons are shared, though not equally.
7.2. polar covalent bond is when electrons are pulled closer to one element than the other
7.3. when elements are pulling electrons towards itself, its called electronegativity.
7.3.1. elements on the left side of the periodic table, dont display electronegativity. They give up the electrons willingly
8. Hydrogen
8.1. 1 proton and 1 neutron
8.2. Electron Cloud
8.2.1. made of electrons
8.2.2. called an orbital
8.3. two hydrogens together with their electron clouds, makes their energy stable. Makes a covalent bond. makes an H2 molecule. Increasing energy more, makes more energy
9. metallic bonding
9.1. positively charged metallic ions are surronded by electron clouds
9.1.1. the electrons move freely among many positively charged ions.