"Globalization and me!"

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"Globalization and me!" by Mind Map: "Globalization and me!"

1. - Education

2. Trade

2.1. - Transport

2.2. - Import

2.3. - Export

2.4. - Exchange of terms

2.5. - Online Shoppinn (faster)

2.6. - Large selection of food

3. communication (s)

3.1. - On distance (not because covid-19

3.2. - Faster (through social media)

3.3. - Exchange of ideas

4. Environment

4.1. - Exhaust

4.2. - Trash

4.3. - Global warming

4.4. Deforestation of forest (s)

4.5. - Wasted water

4.6. - Polluted water

4.7. - Plastic

5. Social media

5.1. - Mobilitiy

5.2. - Technological

5.3. - With a technical device

5.4. - Not personal freindship (s)

6. - Interest

7. - Less work in other countries

8. - Call with other companies

9. Work

9.1. - Year abroad

9.2. - More Jobs

9.3. - Experience

10. Politics/Political

10.1. - Many different opinions

10.2. - Influence

10.3. - acceptance

10.4. - Conditions

11. society/culture

11.1. - Lern other languages

11.2. - Multicultural friends

11.3. - Contact (s)

11.4. - Relationship (s)

11.5. - Relgion (s)