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1. Studies the interpretation and meaning of the words, phrases, sentences, and symbols in the English language.

2. Lesson No. 3: Synonyms and Antonyms

2.1. 1. Teacher will explain what is a synonym and an antonym using different words. 2. Students will come up with different synonyms and antonyms for a given word list.

2.1.1. As an extension of this lesson, within their groups, students will come up with a list of words and identify a synonym and an antonym for each word on their list.

3. Lesson No. 4: Homographs

3.1. 1. Teacher will introduce homographs with a list of different words. 2. Students will try to identify the different meanings for each word on the list.

3.1.1. As an extension of this lesson, with their bilingual partner, students will use the words in a sentence. They will use the homograph in a different sentence.

4. References:

4.1. Rangelova, R. (2017) Teaching Semantics to English Language Learners. [webpage] Retreived from Teaching Semantics to English Language Learners |

4.2. MindMeister. (n.d.). Retrieved from MindMeister: Online Mind Mapping and Brainstorming

5. Lesson No. 1: Collocation of the Verb

5.1. 1. Teacher will read a story and students will listen and raise their hand every time they hear a verb. 2. Students will identify the collocation of the verb in a sentence from the story.

5.1.1. As an extension of this lesson, students can sort different collocations as verb + noun; noun + verb; verb + adverb; verb + expression...

6. Lesson No. 2: Verb patterns

6.1. 1. Teacher will review what is a verb. 2. Students will identify different verb patters such as verb + gerund; verb + infinitive; verb + base; and verb + to + gerund. (gerunds have the -ing ending).

6.1.1. As an extension to this activity, with their bilingual partner, students will use different verb patters to make at least 10 sentences.