Second Language Acquisition, Applied Linguistics, and the Teaching of Foreign Languages

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Second Language Acquisition, Applied Linguistics, and the Teaching of Foreign Languages by Mind Map: Second Language Acquisition,   Applied Linguistics, and the   Teaching of Foreign Languages

1. This third definition distinguishes SLA research from second language (L2) teaching methodology and first language (LI) acquisition

2. Foreign Language Education, Foreign Language Methodology, and Applied

2.1. Applied Linguistics, as the interdisciplinary area

3. Second Language Acquisition focuses on the acquisitional aspect of language learning and teaching

4. Whereas most SLA research focuses on the learner as an autonomous entity (see, for exam- ple, Kasper's response to Firth and Wagner in Kasper, 1997), scholars in FL Education turn their attention to the schooling process

5. The debates currently going on in Applied Linguistics are symptomatic of a field that draws on older, well-established disciplines such as Linguis- tics, Social and Educational Psychology, and Sociology

5.1. guistics are symptomatic of a field that draws on

5.2. older, well-established disciplines such as Linguis-

5.3. tics, Social and Educational Psychology, and Soci-

5.4. olo