Academic Sources By: Asst. Prof. Dr. Rozita Teymourzadeh, CEng.                   www.rozitateym...

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Academic Sources By: Asst. Prof. Dr. Rozita Teymourzadeh, CEng.          por Mind Map: Academic Sources By: Asst. Prof. Dr. Rozita Teymourzadeh, CEng.          

1. Repository

1.1. ResearcherID

1.1.1. Example Endnote Web

1.2. GoogleScholar

1.2.1. Example

1.3. ResearchGate

1.3.1. Example

1.4. Linkedin

1.4.1. Example

1.5. Academic Research Microsoft

1.5.1. Example

1.6. Publications list

1.6.1. Example

1.7. ArnetMiner

1.7.1. Example

1.8. Selected Work

1.8.1. Example

1.9. Amazon

1.9.1. Example

1.10. Semantic Scholar

1.10.1. Example

1.11. Zenodo

1.11.1. Example

1.12. MPRA

1.12.1. Example

1.13. Figshare

1.13.1. Example

1.14. The Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies

1.14.1. Example

1.15. HAL

1.15.1. Example

1.15.2. isidore

1.15.3. Base

1.16. Arxiv

1.16.1. Example

1.16.2. DBLP Example

1.16.3. ScienceWeb

1.17. getCited

1.17.1. Example

1.18. Social Science Research Network

1.18.1. Example

1.19. CiteULike

1.19.1. Example

1.20. CiteSeerX

1.21. PubZone

1.22. Wizfolio

1.22.1. Example

1.23. Academia

1.23.1. Example

1.24. infona

1.24.1. Example

1.25. Registry of Open Access Repositories

1.26. Core

1.26.1. Example

2. Writing Tools

2.1. Microsoft Translator

2.2. Endnote

3. Anti-Plagiarism

3.1. Viper

3.2. Turnitin

3.3. iThenticate

4. Alert

4.1. Google Alert

4.2. Scholar Google

4.3. Google Analytics

5. Tools

5.1. Mindmap

5.1.1. Example

5.2. Copyright

5.3. My website

6. Keywords

6.1. Web of Knowledge

6.2. Google adwords

6.3. Word Tracker

6.4. KWmap

6.5. Word Stream

7. H-Index

7.1. Publish or Perish

7.2. Web of Science

7.3. Citation Gadget

8. Publish Book

8.1. Lulu-Book

8.2. VDM-Thesis

8.3. Lap publishing

8.4. intechopen

9. Research Materials

9.1. Emerald

9.2. Wiley Black Well

10. Developer

10.1. Programming Env.

10.1.1. HackerRank

10.1.2. LeetCode

10.1.3. Practice Programming and Find Tech Jobs - CodeFights

10.1.4. CodeWars

10.2. Computer Science Course

10.2.1. CS 601 Principles of Software Development Course Header EasyPractice A Car Database Yelp Data Structure 99 Problems in Github Resources Setting up your Development Environment General Programming Tips Java Api Java Platform Download Java Tutorial Introductory Java Note

10.3. Command Terminal

10.3.1. Codecademy

10.3.2. Make

10.3.3. PC Steps