Tiger in the Zoo
by Ananya Biswal
1. POET raises the moral issue that presents a strong case against the cruelty on animals, which are kept in cages.
2. The tiger should be lurking in the shadow. Waiting and stalking its prey
3. He should be terrorizing the villages with his bare fangs
4. He should be snarling and be in his natural habitat
5. stalks in his cage
5.1. he's anxious and quiet
5.2. makes no noise when walks on its 'pads of velvet'
6. Locked in a concrete cell
6.1. The cells stop him to use his full strength
7. Shows no interest in visitors
7.1. he shows no interest the visitor who are solely there for their own entertainment
8. Stares at the stars
8.1. He's has not resigned himself to defeat and stares at the brilliant stars, remembering his freedom