PD series on Coding/Programming to increase CT Skills

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PD series on Coding/Programming to increase CT Skills by Mind Map: PD series on Coding/Programming to increase CT Skills

1. What is CT?

1.1. After this component of the PD series you will have a secure understanding of Critical Thinking and how its use can be enhanced by integrating coding/programming into your lessons

1.2. Activities:

1.2.1. Teachers will complete a TedEd lesson on Critical Thinking

1.2.2. Teachers will respond to a discussion board and choose at least two other colleagues and read and respond to their posts

1.2.3. Teachers will pair up with a partner from a different content area and share their thoughts on CT and give a 3 minute presentation of their discussion

1.3. Assessment:

1.3.1. Teachers will complete a Google Survey assessing knowledge of CT skills and providing an opportunity for feedback on the session

2. Where are you at?: Our overall success starts with your personalized learning!

2.1. Professional Development is meant to enhance your expertise and provide ongoing professional learning opportunities that meet your needs. Open the note to take a survey about your ability and comfort level with integrating coding/programming into your lessons.

2.2. Professional Development is more meaningful to you and has a more positive outcome on student learning when it aligns with your content. Use the note to upload a specific lesson plan that you love teaching and our instructors will help tailor that plan to integrate coding/and programming

3. Implementing Coding/Programming: One small step for you is a giant leap for your students!

3.1. After this component of the PD series you will be able to implement at least one strategy for integrating coding/programming into their lesson plans

3.2. Activities:

3.2.1. Teachers will watch informational video on a variety of coding techniques across content areas

3.2.2. Teachers will be broken up into content specific groups and coding/programming coaches will work with each group to help determine one basic coding/programming principle that they would feel comfortable incorporating into their lesson

3.2.3. Teachers will work with partners to redesigning the lesson plan they submitted to incorporate one single aspect of coding/programming

3.2.4. Coaches will review teacher lesson plans and conference one on one to provide critical feedback on the redesign and implementation of the lesson plan

3.3. Assessment

3.3.1. Teachers will receive an non-evaluative observation from a coding/programming coach on the lesson they designed during PD. The coach will provide a rubric-based score and general feedback. The teacher will have the opportunity to reflect on the lesson plans efficacy and whteher there were any gains in student CT skills. A voluntary and non-evaluative post-observation conference will follow with coach and administration.