Hiring an RN to run the clinics in every site across the school district.

RN hiring

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Hiring an RN to run the clinics in every site across the school district. by Mind Map: Hiring an RN to run the clinics in every site across the school district.

1. Administrative Concerns: Organizational Factor

1.1. Increase cost for the district

1.2. Grant funding to help with costs

1.3. Decrease accidents in the clinic that administration has to get involved in

2. Staffing Concerns: Individual Factor

2.1. Reduction in staff burn out

2.2. Decrease stress and anxiety for RNs

2.3. Increasae professional support for RNs in the district

3. Safety Concerns: Team Factors

3.1. Ability to run the clinic more safely

3.2. More RNs for backup in emergencies

3.3. Reduction in medication errors