Types of Brief

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Types of Brief by Mind Map: Types of Brief

1. Informal

1.1. More of a verbal agreement between parties with nothing official or in writing, less formal so to speak

2. Tender

2.1. The production company might find someone who is looking for a video. They put together a brief with a proposal and a budget and send it to the potential client. The client would look at all the different tenders they receive and choose the one they prefer.

3. Negotiated

3.1. Two parties have differing ideas and a compromise has to be found that makes both sides happy, sometimes involving a third party.

4. Contractual

4.1. Involves a signed agreement with stated objectives. If you or the other party were to break any agreements you would be in breech of contract and could face legal action.

5. Commision

5.1. In which a client comes to you and asks personally if you can do a job.

6. Formal

6.1. This is where the client is very strict about the Brief and the rules must be followed properly