CRT Inquiry Topics

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CRT Inquiry Topics by Mind Map: CRT Inquiry Topics

1. Ben Bruhn: identifying how variious culture define "good teaching"

2. New node

3. Emily: Adaptive curriculum

4. Creating and fostering learning teams at my school

5. Cultural competency

6. Resources available such as grant writing for classroom enrichment

7. Dawn: holistic assessment practices

8. Reebs and Shannon: Parent teacher communication and collaboration

8.1. Pig?

8.1.1. bacon... Yum.

9. Alicia: Literacy assessment

10. Becca Sager: Classroom Practices, Procedures and Community

11. Differentiation in writing for intermediate grades (4-6th)

11.1. New node

12. Student self assessment

13. Ben Bruhn: learning of initiating standards based grading

14. Making math exciting and relevant

14.1. New node

15. New node