Covid-19 Vaccination Awareness


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Covid-19 Vaccination Awareness by Mind Map: Covid-19 Vaccination Awareness

1. Most Asked Questions

1.1. Concerned about the Side effects

1.2. Impact on previous patients

1.3. Development is rushed

1.4. Ingredients used in vaccine

1.5. Unproven by the FDDA

2. Side Effects

2.1. Injection site reaction

2.2. Headache

2.3. Chills

2.4. Fever

2.5. Fatigue

2.6. Joint pain

3. Vaccine

3.1. Two Doses of Vaccines

3.2. 95% Effective

4. Survey of People

4.1. Salary of a Person

4.2. Residence of a Person

4.3. Gender of a Person