Safety of people in the events of fire

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Safety of people in the events of fire by Mind Map: Safety of people in the events of fire

1. types of evacuation

1.1. simultaneous evcuation

1.2. phased evacuation

1.3. vertical phased

1.4. horizontal phased

2. roll call system

2.1. gathering at an assembly point

3. fire warden system

3.1. the building being split into smaller areas

3.2. 'sweeping' their allocated area

3.3. reporting that their area is 'all clear'

4. perception

4.1. gathering

4.2. filtering

4.3. interpreting

4.4. organising

4.5. making sense of sensory data

5. fire safety training

5.1. what to do if there is a fire

5.2. how to evacuate the premises

6. patterns of exit choice

6.1. smoke obscuration

6.2. fire characteristics

6.3. familiarity with escape routes

6.4. personal characteristics

6.5. advice provided prior to the fire

6.6. lighting levels

6.7. role in occupancy

6.8. group dynamics

6.9. location and proximity to exit

6.10. information / communication on fire in progress

6.11. fire exit signs

7. Contents of fire emergency plan

7.1. how people will be warned

7.2. what action people should take

7.3. action people should take in the event of fire

7.4. arrangements for calling the fire and rescue service

7.5. isolations

7.6. fire alarm activities

7.7. evacuation procedure

7.8. assembly points

7.9. fire-fighting arrangements

7.10. procedures for meeting the fire and rescue service on arrival

7.11. provision of information on the incident

7.12. vulnerable people and those with disabilities

8. Elements of an evacuation procedure

8.1. how people are warned

8.2. how the evacuation should proceed

8.3. arrangements for specially vulnerable people

8.4. arrangements for special groups of people

8.5. where people should assemble after evacuating from the building

8.6. how to ensure that everyone has been evacuated

8.7. how people are informed and trained

8.8. how to allocate responsibilities to individuals

9. evacuation of vulnerable people

9.1. personal trembler alarms

9.2. buddy system

9.3. visual alarms

9.4. tractile/braille

9.5. evacuation lifts

9.6. evacuation chairs

9.7. refuges

10. different forms of warning

10.1. bells, sirens, gongs

10.2. verbal

10.3. combined siren/verbal

10.4. strobe lights

10.5. information boards

11. crowd flow

11.1. physical design

11.2. presentation of clear messages