1. Curriculum and Instruction
1.1. Common Core
1.1.1. Staff Training
1.1.2. Plan for implementation
1.2. Teacher Preparedness
1.2.1. PD
1.3. Collaboration w/ Tech Services
2. Superintendent's Cabinet
2.1. Funding
2.1.1. Bond - Nov 2012
2.2. Leadership
2.2.1. Support Technology initiatives Make Tech a Priority
2.3. Vision
2.3.1. Technology
2.3.2. Curriculum
2.3.3. Budget
3. Technology Services
3.1. Technology Liaisons
3.1.1. 5 Days of Release time for training
3.1.2. Provided "Hardware Stipend"
3.1.3. District Tech Initiatives Orientation
3.1.4. Communication to School Sites
3.2. Technical Support
3.2.1. Help Desk
3.2.2. Help Ticket System
3.2.3. District and Site Technicians
3.3. Professional Development
3.3.1. Summer Institutes
3.3.2. Winter Institutes
3.3.3. Spring Institutes
3.3.4. After School Classes
3.3.5. Custom PD Opportunitieis
3.4. Network and Technology Operations
3.4.1. Firewall and Web Content Filter
3.4.2. Servers and backup
3.4.3. Wide Area Networkk
3.4.4. Site Local Area Networks
3.4.5. Telephone System
4. School Sites
4.1. Technology Liaisons
4.1.1. Hardware and software
4.1.2. Provide PD for Site Staff
4.1.3. Communication with Tech Services
4.2. Hardware
4.2.1. Intelligent Classrooms
4.3. Software
4.3.1. Online Resources MyAccess Ed1Stop Portal Discovery Streaming Accelerated Reader
4.3.2. MS Office
4.3.3. Rosetta Stone
4.3.4. SucessMaker
4.3.5. SchoolMessenger
4.4. Community
4.4.1. SchoolMessenger
4.4.2. Lions Club/Shriners, etc.