Follower Centric Leadership empowering others achieve organizational success through the re...

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Follower Centric Leadership empowering others achieve organizational success through the realization, growth and development of the followers by Mind Map: Follower Centric Leadership       empowering others achieve organizational success through the realization, growth and development of the followers

1. Participative

1.1. Abilities, knowledge and feedback of the entire team important

1.2. Develops team members as future leaders

1.3. Follower development

1.4. Creativity and innovation championed

2. Transformational

2.1. Inspire the followers to achieve a shared vision

2.2. leaders put passion and energy into everything they do.

2.3. based on selling the vision of the future to the followers

2.4. Trust

2.5. Lead by example

2.6. Leaders are committed and have integrity

3. followers are critical to leadership

4. valuing the followers and focusing on the followers establishes a successful leader.

5. Servant

5.1. Strong values and ideals that both leaders and followers bring into the workplace

5.2. Follower needs important

5.3. Followers and leaders are partners

5.4. Servant leader can take on role of follower

5.5. Stakeholders valued over profit

6. followers drive the success of a leader

7. providing the right context and variables to follow will create followers