Criteria-based approach in assessing of educational results. The main definitions

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Criteria-based approach in assessing of educational results. The main definitions by Mind Map: Criteria-based approach in assessing of educational results. The main definitions

1. Quiz activities

2. Terms and definitions

2.1. Descriptor

2.2. Criteria-based assessment

2.3. Evalution criterion

2.4. Moderation

2.5. Feedback

2.6. Expected learning outcomes

2.7. Reflexion

2.8. Rubric

2.9. Summative assessment

2.10. Formative assessment

2.11. Teaching objectives

2.12. Electronic Journal Recording Assessment Results

3. Types of assessment in world education systev

3.1. Assessment in American schools

3.1.1. Formative assessment

3.1.2. Summative assessment

3.1.3. Observational assessment

3.1.4. Selected response

3.1.5. Constructed response

3.1.6. Portfolio assessment

3.1.7. Performance assessment

3.2. Assessment in British schools

3.2.1. Diagnostic assessment

3.2.2. Formative assessment

3.2.3. Summative assessment

3.2.4. Norm-Referenced assessment

3.2.5. Criterion-Referenced assessment

3.2.6. Interim\Benchmark assessment

3.3. Advantages & Disadvantages of traditional assessment

3.3.1. Definition and Alternatives

3.3.2. Ease of analysis

3.3.3. Lack of context

3.3.4. Impact on teaching

4. Types of criteria-based assessment

4.1. Formative assessment

4.2. Summative assessment

4.3. Multiple Choice assessment

4.4. Written short answer

4.5. Written long answer

4.6. Research projects

4.7. Verbal questioning

4.8. Observing practical work

4.9. Class test

5. Criteria-based asessment as means of educational motivation

6. Criteria-based assessment of reading skills

7. Criteria-based assessment of speaking skills

7.1. Instensive Speaking

7.1.1. A read aloud Task

7.1.2. Sentence'dialogue completion task

7.1.3. Picture cued task

7.2. Responsive Speaking

7.2.1. Question and answer

7.2.2. Giving Instructions and Directions

7.2.3. Paraphrasing

7.3. Interactive Speaking

7.3.1. Interview

7.3.2. Role play

7.3.3. Discussions and Conversations

7.3.4. Games

7.4. Extensive Speaking

7.4.1. Oral Presentations

7.4.2. Picture-cued story telling

7.4.3. Re-Telling a story, News Event

8. Criteria-based assessment of listening cmprehension skills

9. Criteria-based assessment in student's portfolio

10. Criteria-based assessment VS.traditional

11. Criteria-based assessment principles

11.1. Criteria-based assessment

11.2. Interrelation of learning and assessment

11.3. Objectivity, reliability and validity

11.4. Continuty

11.5. Focus on development

12. Theoretical foundations of criteria-based assessment

13. The modern system of updated educational content in Kazakhstan

14. Technologies of criteria-based assessment of students. Bloom's taxonomy

14.1. Knowledge

14.2. Comprehension

14.3. Application

14.4. Analysis

14.5. Synthesis

14.5.1. Evalutions

15. Criteria-based assessment of writing skills

15.1. Three basic tenets

15.2. Identifying text types

15.3. Designing tasks

15.4. Other assessment task types

15.5. The content of any task will of course, depend on all the factors discussed so far

15.6. Measuring outcomes

15.7. Holistic assessment

15.8. Analytic assessment

16. Criteria-based assessment in project activity

16.1. Developing Assessment

16.1.1. Questions for students Content knowledge Collaboration & Teamwork Technology & Communication

16.2. Involving Students in Assessment

17. Criteria-based assessment of testing

18. Ways to create criteria and descriptors