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Pollution by Mind Map: Pollution

1. Healt effect

1.1. Depend on

1.1.1. Type

1.1.2. Concentration

1.1.3. Length of exposure

1.1.4. Individual characteristics

1.2. Minor

1.2.1. Eye, nose

1.2.2. Throat

1.2.3. Irritation

1.3. Severe

1.3.1. Heart or

1.3.2. Lung

1.3.3. Disease

1.3.4. Cancer

2. Outdoor air pollution

2.1. Natural (biogenic)

2.1.1. Pollen

2.1.2. Bushfires

2.1.3. Dust

2.2. Human (anthropogenic)

2.2.1. Industry

2.2.2. Burning fossil fuel

2.2.3. Motor vehicles

3. In 2012 3,7 million deaths Also : property damage reduced visibility environment effect.

4. Outdoor pollution

4.1. Types

4.2. Monitoring

4.3. Sources

4.4. Control

5. Indoor pollution

5.1. Sources

5.2. Control

6. Contamination

6.1. Chemical

6.2. Physical

6.3. Biological