Alice in wonderland

Map about the movie Alice in Wonderland

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Alice in wonderland создатель Mind Map: Alice in wonderland

1. Strange world

2. Start

2.1. Alice enters a burrow

2.2. Alice follows a rabbit

2.3. Drink a potion that makes her small

2.4. She came to a strange worl

3. Adventure

3.1. Emotions

3.1.1. Sadness

3.1.2. Happiness

3.1.3. Anger

3.1.4. Afraid

3.2. It grows

3.3. It gets small

3.4. Fantasy

3.5. Marvelous

4. Villains

5. Good characters

6. Characters

6.1. The hat

6.2. Alice

6.3. The rabbit

6.4. Queen of hearts

6.5. Blue caterpillar

6.6. Cat the cheshire

6.6.1. Guide

6.7. Liron

6.8. Sota the hearts

6.9. Lady ascot

6.10. Marina the white queen