11 Documenting and managing requirements

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11 Documenting and managing requirements by Mind Map: 11 Documenting and managing requirements

1. The requirement catalog

1.1. Types of requirements

1.2. Hierarchy of requirements

1.3. Documenting

1.3.1. MoSCoW for priority

2. The requirements document

2.1. Introduction and background

2.2. Business process models

2.3. Function models

2.4. Data model

2.4.1. ERD

2.4.2. Class model

2.5. Requirements catalog

2.6. Glossary of terms

3. Managing

3.1. Requirements identification

3.2. Requirements cross-referencing

3.3. Requirements origin and ownership

3.4. Software support

3.5. Change control

3.5.1. Document the proposed change

3.5.2. Consulting the stakeholders

3.5.3. Deciding on the change

3.6. Configuration Management

3.6.1. Configuration identification

3.6.2. Configuration control

3.6.3. Use baselining in an Agile environment

4. Traceability

4.1. Backwards from

4.2. Forwards to