it´s not how much it costs, it´s how much you avoid

writing a synopsis

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it´s not how much it costs, it´s how much you avoid by Mind Map: it´s not how much it costs, it´s how much you avoid

1. Context

1.1. Barranquilla 2021

1.1.1. voulevar villa

2. Resolution

2.1. if we protect ourselves against the sun we can avoid certain diseases at the eye level, the photosensitivepassed lenses, are the solution to this situation.

3. Conflict

3.1. surgery of Maria´s father

4. Antagonist/villain

4.1. Maria, Alirio

4.1.1. go for a walk the sun darkens Alio´s lenses and she watches as he protected himself from the harmful rays of the sun

5. Principal character

5.1. He passed

5.1.1. photosensitive lens

6. Main situación

6.1. Maria´s dad must go through a terigio surgery beacause he´s about to go bling

6.1.1. maria is very worried and scared

7. Principal character´s goal

7.1. the use of photosensitive lenses can prevent this patology from emerging

7.1.1. Maria feels a lot of sadness for her father and Alirio her boyfriend comforts her