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What can we do by Mind Map: What can we do

1. Holiday planning of the team

2. Specific call for ENI (Michele/Bertrand/Vincent)

3. Sumarry of what we see in the delivery model

4. Steerco logistics

4.1. Leading OCS from Rome (sharing slide)

4.2. No video call, only phone

4.3. Finalized slide day before

4.4. Email slide before meeting

4.5. Divided Steerco (Milan / Rome)

4.6. Minutes taken (1 navigator site)

5. MIchele & Bertrand to prepare a separete MgMt Steerco

5.1. 1) Delivery Model summary

5.2. 2) Sales Issues & Analysis summary

6. Natalie/Bertrand: revalidate how to do teaching approach

7. Focus more on implementation (less attention on quantification)

7.1. "how quantification?" to be confirmed

8. Lean coordinator for global issue (organizational issue...)

9. 1 - Finalize issue quantification (just for priorization)

10. 2 - Focus on top 5

11. 3 - Build & Implement TIP

11.1. Extract Global Issues in a separeate TIP

11.2. Marketing of this approach

11.3. Cost/benefit analysis as part of the TIP

12. 4 - KPI Dashboard collection of data and targets

13. Communication

13.1. Definition Target goals

13.2. List of Target deliverables

13.3. Define template before end of this week

14. Nouveau sujet de Bertrand