Nego Part 2 Negotiation Process (4 Stage)

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Nego Part 2 Negotiation Process (4 Stage) by Mind Map: Nego Part 2 Negotiation Process (4 Stage)

1. 1. Preparation

1.1. Identify all the issue

1.2. Set Priority

1.3. Develop Support argument

2. 2. Opening Session

2.1. Ground rules

2.2. Framework for success

2.3. Initial Offers

2.4. Posturing

3. 3. Bargaining

3.1. Single issue Negotiation

3.2. Multiple issue negotiation

4. 4. Settlement

4.1. Impasse

4.1.1. (deadlock, failed to reach an agreement

4.2. third-party Intervention

4.3. The closing