Ways to use Google Sites

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Ways to use Google Sites by Mind Map: Ways to use Google Sites

1. Students' WISE: idenifications

1.1. via students' wikis, one can identify stdts for each group of 6 to be appointed for various roles during lesson time, ESP the it savvy ones as it mentors

2. Electronic workbook:Insert the google docs in the site and the stdts can "map" out their own copy of electronic workbook w auto-created google documents when they use the template given by teacher

3. New node

4. CMS: teacher resource Websites + smart board --> Interactive platform during lesson time

5. A HBL or ICBL or PBL package. Scenario and instructions w research links online. Students Product can be one where students format of presentation or complete a quiz, etc .

6. New node

7. New node

8. sdfsfdsfsdfds

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