Company incorporation by purpose: online-trading - Confidus Solutions

An online trading company is a trading company that primarily operates via the internet and its electronic commerce tools. Much like any regular trading company, online trading businesses specialise in buying goods from manufacturers and selling them on to consumers or other retailers. However, the online nature of this business makes it different, presenting specific benefits and limitations. Selling goods online offers huge opportunities and advantages, allowing you to trade on a global sca...

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Company incorporation by purpose: online-trading - Confidus Solutions by Mind Map: Company incorporation by purpose: online-trading - Confidus Solutions

1. Online trading companies

1.1. Before incorporating a company, or even choosing a jurisdiction, you need to plan a corporate structure for your business, and, based on this, decide the purpose of the company you wish to incorporate. Understanding the business structure of your company is essential, as it will determine the jurisdiction and the type of company you choose in order to best meet your needs. International company registration by purpose - Confidus Solutions