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The Airbnb Way by Mind Map: The Airbnb Way

1. empowerment

1.1. At Airbnb, “empowerment” means giving people the authority to enrich their communities as they see fit

1.1.1. Airbnb leaders know they can’t rely on technology alone as the core of their strategy. Instead, they believe their technology should enrich their customers’ experience The company provides hosts with access to a “Smart Pricing” tool that calculates optimum rooming fees according various factors, including demand, seasonality, location and comparisons with similar listings. Airbnb recounts that in 2017, it expanded fastest in African-American, Latino, and other minority communities. It reports that 62% of its hosts in the United States say that hosting helps them defray their home expenses

2. trust

2.1. aims to gain trust by stressing the importance of three factors

2.1.1. emphasizes the safety of the people who use its service, both hosts and guests. Second, it

2.1.2. prioritizes transparent information and clear instructions about how to use its website. And third, The company also undertakes a number of steps to protect the personal information and finances of its community of hosts and guests guides both guests and hosts in using practices and methods that promote safety. For instance, it suggests that guests thoroughly read the feedback from a home’s earlier guests to make sure the accommodations will suit them.

2.1.3. it provides customer support to help resolve complaints or conflicts when something goes wrong.

3. hospitality

3.1. Chesky says that when the company started operations, it didn’t really understand hospitality

3.1.1. the company wants its hosts to succeed, so it gives them ideas about hosting and about the business transactions involved. Host profiles on the Airbnb website provide information about how quickly, on average, a host will respond after receiving a message from a guest A host can enable guests to make an instant booking, which means they don’t have to wait to learn the availability of a home or whether the host approves their bookings.

4. belonging

4.1. Means fashioning situations in which people can experience feeling at home anywhere

4.1.1. For Airbnb, listening means seeking opinions about its purpose from within the organization and from hosts and guests “to create a world where anyone could belong anywhere.” Eventually, Airbnb’s mission became simply, “Belong Anywhere.” Their efforts included trying to eliminate “national wage gaps” and committing to making their workforce more diverse to reflect local demographics

5. Community

5.1. In 2018, Chesky wrote a letter to the Airbnb community explaining his belief that the company can help transform the world by promoting the concept of community in large and small spaces

5.1.1. In 2013, Airbnb initiated its Global Citizenship Champion program, which pays employees their salary for four hours of their time to work as volunteers in their communities In 2015, the company issued its Community Compact to set out the values governing how it relates to its communities around the world, including its attitude toward providing data, paying taxes and dealing with specific local issues. Airbnb also responds to extreme human needs. In January 2017, President Donald Trump issued an order which brought travel to the United States from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia and Sudan to a standstill for 90 days.