Cooperative Learning to Develop 21st Century Skills Aligned with NC Common Core and Essential Sta...

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Cooperative Learning to Develop 21st Century Skills Aligned with NC Common Core and Essential Standards for All Students at Leaksville-Spray Elementary by Mind Map: Cooperative Learning to Develop 21st Century Skills Aligned with NC Common Core and Essential Standards for All Students at Leaksville-Spray Elementary

1. Facilitators: Principal, Assistant Principal, Instructional Coach

1.1. Creation, Support, Monitoring, and Implementation: Principal and Assistant Principal

1.2. Support, Mentoring, Monitoring and Implementation: Instructional Coach

1.3. Support: Intervention Specialists, Tutors,

1.4. Audience: Teachers, classroom support staff, and students

1.5. Walk through and observation rubric or checklist through Google for ease of collection

2. Timeline

2.1. Monthly whole group beginning 9/17/12 Ending 4/22/12

2.2. $500

2.3. Paper, Articles, Videos, Technology for Meetings, Rubric for "look-fors"

2.4. Bi-Weekly PLC Meetings

2.5. May 2013 - Reflection and Action plan for 2013-2014

3. Staff Development: Hybrid Approach

3.1. Monthly Whole Group Staff Development

3.1.1. Presentation

3.1.2. Discussion

3.2. Time

3.2.1. Must be Efficient Hybrid approach with independent and face to face study

3.2.2. Minimal cost - use free resources from research

3.3. Pre and Post staff survey

3.3.1. student achievement - formative and summative

3.3.2. student survey

3.4. Bi-Weekly Grade Level PLC's

3.4.1. Documentation through meeting logs

3.4.2. Utilize PLC's as focus groups for feedback

3.4.3. Plan of Action for CL aligned with Common Core and Essential Standards - Project Based Learning Creation

3.4.4. Analyze Data

4. Schedule

4.1. Planning - 8/12

4.1.1. Material Selection

4.1.2. Timeline of Article Distribution for Independent Study

4.1.3. Align Independent Study Items to Whole Group Sessions

4.2. Pre Google Survey for Staff 8/12

4.2.1. Define actions as necessary

4.3. Post Google Survey for Staff 4/13

4.3.1. Post Google Survey for Students 4/13