Compositing GURU

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Compositing GURU by Mind Map: Compositing GURU

1. Compositing Books

1.1. 1. The Art and Science of Digital Compositing

1.1.1. 1. Ron Brinkmann

1.2. 2. Digital Compositing For Film and Video

1.2.1. 1. Steve Wright

1.3. 3. Professional Digital Compositing

1.3.1. 1. Lee Lanier

1.4. 4. Photoshop Compositing Secrets

1.5. 5. Cinematography: Theory and Practice, Second Edition: Image Making for Cinematographers and Directors

2. Things to Look into

2.1. Mari -> Nuke Bridge

2.2. Converting After Effects Tutorials to Nuke

2.3. Camera Tracker/Modeler/Point projector in Nuke

2.4. UV Remapping

2.5. Point Cloud System

2.6. 2.5D Relightin with XYZ Pass

2.7. Filming Elements to use as stock footage


3.1. nodes, Plugins, gizmos and Expressions

3.1.1. Review all nodes in nuke

3.1.2. Download and tear apart all gizmos on Nukepedia and at work and on websites

3.1.3. Review all Sapphire

3.1.4. Review all furnace

3.1.5. Occula

3.1.6. Genarts

3.2. Read all Compositing Books

3.2.1. see list

3.3. watch all nuke tuts

3.3.1. master class

3.3.2. fxphd

3.3.3. gnomon


3.3.5. nukepedia

3.3.6. freddie W

3.3.7. Video copilot

3.3.8. Vimeo foundry channel

3.4. Convert AE tuts to Nuke

3.5. Learn photoshop

3.6. Learn how to Light and Render

3.7. Python and TCL scripting

3.8. Study traditional Drawing and Painting

4. Composting Programs

4.1. 1. Nuke

4.2. 2. After Effects

4.2.1. Freddy W Video Game School thehtete dsjfdfjds djfldj Watch All of his tutorial videos

4.3. 3. Shake

4.4. 4. Flame

4.5. 5. Fusion

4.6. 6. Toxik

4.7. Photoshop

4.8. Combustion

5. Categories of Compositing

5.1. 2D

5.1.1. roto

5.1.2. Paint

5.1.3. tracking

5.1.4. Greenscreen

5.1.5. MattePainting

5.1.6. Comping 2D elements

5.1.7. Motion Graphics

5.1.8. Digital Painting

5.1.9. Color Corrections

5.2. 3D

5.2.1. Projections

5.2.2. CG Passes

5.2.3. VFX Particle systems Fluid Simulations Rigid Bodies Soft Bodies Hair Systems

5.2.4. Lighting Scenes

5.2.5. UV Texturing

5.3. Stereo

5.3.1. Stereo Conversion

5.3.2. Stereo Compositing

5.3.3. Occula

5.4. Other

5.4.1. Techniques and Terminology

5.4.2. Optimization and Efficiency

5.4.3. Folowing Pipelines and Networks

5.4.4. Negotiations

5.4.5. Time Management

5.5. Scripting

5.5.1. Python

5.5.2. Tool Creation gizmos

5.5.3. Expression

5.5.4. TCL

5.5.5. JavaScript

5.6. Film

5.6.1. Photography

5.6.2. Lighting

5.6.3. Camera Lens

5.6.4. Shooting on Set

5.6.5. Formats and Compressions

5.7. Traditional

5.7.1. Painting

5.7.2. Drawing

5.7.3. Color Theory

5.7.4. Perspective

6. Websites on Compositing

6.1. Nukepedia

6.2. The Foundry website

6.2.1. third party training suggestions

6.3. Steve Wrights Website

6.4. Fxphd

6.5. lynda

6.6. Freddie W

6.7. The Foundry's Vimeo Channel

6.8. Creative Cow

6.8.1. youtube channel

6.9. VFX Talk Tuorials

6.10. Video Co-Pilot


6.12. Gnomon