Mr. C-Essential Questions Sun Unit

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Mr. C-Essential Questions Sun Unit by Mind Map: Mr. C-Essential Questions Sun Unit

1. How is our solar system is organized?

1.1. Week 1

1.2. Week 2

1.3. Week 3

2. How does the sun affect us?

2.1. Week 1

2.2. Week 2

2.3. Week 3

3. How would a change in the Earth’s place in the solar system affect us?

3.1. Week 1

3.2. Week 2

3.3. Week 3

4. How do we learn?

4.1. Week 1

4.2. Week 2

4.3. Week 3


6. How has our understanding of the universe changed over time?

6.1. Week 1

6.2. Week 2

6.3. Week 3