My vision for a national ACM professional support program

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My vision for a national ACM professional support program by Mind Map: My vision for a national ACM professional support program

1. Strengths

1.1. National CPD framework for midwives & eligible midwives

1.2. PD is embedded in ACM Strategic plan

1.3. Current initiatives eg MidPlus, Midwifery Practice Review

1.3.1. New node

1.4. Current communication modes eg newsletter & journal

2. Opportunities

2.1. New understanding about efficacy of PD

2.2. Collaboration with committed, skilled midwives in industry, education & research

2.3. Growing interest in flexible & blended delivery, & different modalities

2.4. Current initiatives that can be built on eg Midwives Australia mentoring program

2.5. Increase open, transparent & responsive communication

3. Weaknesses

3.1. Midwives' attitudes about life-long learning, including time, work, & EBM

3.2. Midwives' lack of understanding of CPD framework

3.3. Geographical isolation

3.4. Lack of digital literacy skills

3.5. Variable internet connection

4. Threats

4.1. Financial down-turn

4.2. Lack of national consistency

4.3. Them and us

4.4. Membership