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1. Features

1.1. Activity Logging

1.2. Customizable Fields

1.3. Due Date Tracking

1.4. Email Updates

1.5. Execution board

1.6. Motivational tool

1.7. PipeDrive intergration

1.8. Relevant updates

1.9. Tags & Keywords

1.10. Time tracking by project

1.11. User access controls

1.12. Surveys

1.13. Virtual progress display

1.14. Workflow management

2. Advantages

2.1. Communicate in context

2.2. Manage anything

2.3. Full integration

2.4. Access anywhere

2.5. Easily see the big picture

2.6. Manage time visually

2.7. Create total transparency

3. Pros

3.1. Built for multiple users

3.2. Great tracking features

3.3. Alternative views

3.4. Powerful communication tool

3.5. Reliable project organization and management

4. Cons

4.1. Per-user pricing limits the number of people

4.2. Difficult to track time and expenses

4.3. Too much going on

4.4. Limited mobile app

4.5. Integration problems