What every small business should hear before they go into marketing

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What every small business should hear before they go into marketing by Mind Map: What every small business should hear before they go into marketing

1. 2-Track properly

1.1. Website analytics

1.1.1. Multi channel acquisition

1.2. Phone tracking

1.3. Crazy stuff

1.3.1. Heatmaps

1.3.2. Sales funnels

2. 4-Be restless

2.1. If you grew, someone may have shrunk

2.1.1. They're ready to fight back

2.2. Don't let yourself be overwhelmed in the future

2.3. Build a gap between you and your competitors

3. 5-Give back

3.1. Reward customers

3.2. Build a do gooder reputation

3.3. Hang out with your customers

4. 3-It can fail

4.1. Attempting to grow your biz is always a risk

4.2. There is not 1 recipe that works every time

4.2.1. You're talking to people not machines

4.3. Failing is ok

4.3.1. Learn from it

4.3.2. plan your next move accordingly

4.4. You are not owed results

5. 1-Define success

5.1. Key metrics

5.1.1. Customer life time value

5.1.2. Cost per lead

5.1.3. ROI

5.2. When to shrink / Grow

5.2.1. Define KPIs

5.3. Give it time