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Social Camp : Week 1 создатель Mind Map: Social Camp : Week 1

1. 70:20:10 Framework

1.1. Social & Workplace Learning through the 70:20:10 Lens

2. Activity

2.1. Professionals and communities

2.2. Open Source

2.3. Critical Thinking

2.3.1. observing and studying our fields;

2.3.2. participating in professional communities;

2.3.3. building tentative opinions;

2.3.4. challenging and evaluating ideas.

2.4. Tools

2.5. Skills

2.5.1. Attitude

2.5.2. Learning

2.5.3. Collaboration

2.6. Connect, exchange, contribute

3. Harold and Jane - First Coffee Chat (from James Tyler's notes

3.1. New learning/L&D is more about facilitation

3.2. Content is not king. Context and Collaboration

3.3. L&D get out of the office.

3.4. Facilitated action research.

3.5. Learn business value of learning. PKN PKM.

3.6. Away from PUSH - Become performance consultant. Find out what people need and help facilitate a personal solution.

3.7. Network learning. Transparent, public discussions.

3.8. Don’t over-analyse - DO THINGS. Small first. = Small failures. Probe, figure out what happened then respond. 50% will fail!

3.9. Why does L&D focus on content? Much easier to design stuff based on content, rather than the activity. Called - Shovelwear!

3.10. New management structures - agile programming, swarming, activity streams - Social business. These are the opposite to old fashioned L&D Training. Mentorship, coaching, performance support, collaborative - learning approaches that work with these type of organisations.

3.11. Most important = acceptance of failure.

3.12. ROI - if the "i" is small enough - you don't need big permission. Look for the little opportunites.

3.13. Times to train people - first time knowledge

3.14. Begin with those who see the value. You cannot force people to be social

3.15. Conversations are the engines of organisations. But trust building takes time!

3.16. Practice, conversation, reflection. Cornerstones of learning.

3.17. Intergration of work and learning. We don’t have time to figure out what people need. Only people know what they need. Learning is integral part of work - not separate ‘thing’ (like a course etc.)

3.18. Network learning is key.

4. Learning in Networked Environments

4.1. Learning is not something to get.

4.2. The only knowledge that can be managed is our own.

4.2.1. personal knowledge management

4.2.2. Net Work Literacy

4.2.3. free learning resources

4.3. Learning in the workplace is much more than formal training.

4.3.1. More

4.4. When we remove artificial boundaries, we enable innovation.

4.4.1. Decline of the HPPO

4.5. Learning is everywhere.

4.5.1. Learning is the New Black

5. Informal Learning

5.1. Informal learning is a business imperative

5.2. When learning is the work

5.3. A Ridiculously Long post on Informal Learning

6. Mobile Learning

6.1. Goin’ Mobile An introduction

6.2. Mobile Work

7. Social Learning

7.1. Getting to social – you simply can’t train people to be social

7.2. Social learning is not a new training trend

7.3. The Social Learning Revolution

7.4. 10 things to remember about social learning (and the use of social media for learning)

7.5. 8 Reasons to Focus on Informal & Social Learning