Society and Setting: What does this section illustrate about the society of Fahrenheit 451? What...

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Society and Setting: What does this section illustrate about the society of Fahrenheit 451? What else have you noticed about the setting of Fahrenheit 451? Does the above quote or any of your other observations relate to anything you see in our society? Does the above quote relate to anything you see in your own life? by Mind Map: Society and Setting:  What does this section illustrate about the society of Fahrenheit 451? What else have you noticed about the setting of Fahrenheit 451? Does the above quote or any of your other observations relate to anything you see in our society? Does the above quote relate to anything you see in your own life?

1. Other observations from the book

1.1. people go day by day not questioning the things that are happening around them they get so deep into there jobs that they don't realize the things around like the dew on the grass

1.2. One thing i noticed about the setting is that the people dont think.

1.3. They don't know as much of the past. It's in the future and much information is lost.

1.4. Because the increase of technology, people tend not to think about what's important for society. The setting in the book is very different from our society. Many people don't notice what is happening in their world; they're to worried about themselves.

2. What makes this book futuristic? What do Bradbury's inventions mean/represent?

3. Observations about the Passage

3.1. They also notice that society is moving to fast to take time and notice things such as dew on the morning grass or making a billboard loinger so they'll notice it. I think it does relate to our society because everyone is in a big hurry to get places instead of taking there time. - Tony, Brandon, Davona, and a few more.

3.2. they've already developed jet cars. The government is a very strict censorship which means they block out anything they don't want their public to hear about such as burning books. It's kinda like Area 51. The setting for the government shows that the people don't have many rights - Taylor

4. Questions

4.1. i really dont get why people are put in jail for going like 3 miles over the speed limit. - Scott & Amanda

4.2. We really can't say that we understand what they're talking about. At first they were talking about him being a fireman and the burning houses and then automatically changed subjects. - Chelsey & Alysia