Education Success Factors

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Education Success Factors by Mind Map: Education Success Factors

1. Organizational Skills

1.1. Comfort Around Authority

1.2. Written Communication

1.3. Presentation Skills

1.4. Organizational Ability

2. Courage

2.1. Conflict Management

2.2. Assessing Talent

2.3. Managerial Courage

3. Results

3.1. Action Oriented

3.2. Drive for Results

4. Strategic Skills

4.1. Functional | Technical Skills

4.2. Technical Learning

4.3. Decision Quality & Problem Solving

4.4. Intellectual Horsepower

4.5. Learning on the Fly

4.6. Dealing with Ambiguity

4.7. Creativity

4.8. Strategic Agility & Innovation

5. Individual Excellence

5.1. Interpersonal Skils

5.2. Managing Relationships

5.3. Customer Focus

5.4. Motivating Others

5.5. Negtiating

5.6. Building Effective Teams

5.7. Managing Vision & Purpose

5.8. Integrity & Trust

5.9. Listening

5.10. Humor

5.11. Compassion

5.12. Personal Learning & Development

5.13. Valuing Diversity

6. Operating Skills

6.1. Organizing

6.2. Planning

6.3. Time Management

6.4. Developing Others

6.5. Directing Others

6.6. Managing & Measuring Work

6.7. Managing through Processes & Systems

6.8. Timely Decision Making

6.9. Priority Setting