Digital Storytelling Dynamic Media
by Esmeralda Chapa
1. 1. Think about your topic
1.1. What will you enjoy writing about?
1.1.1. which pictures will fir your writing
1.2. Why will someone who sees this be interested?
1.2.1. peers, parents friends everyone?
1.3. What's your goal for this story?
1.3.1. Inspire someone about your topic?
1.3.2. get your message out there
2. 2. Research
2.1. Compile some ideas
2.1.1. minimum of 5 ideas per crew member
2.2. Supporting sources
2.2.1. Find examples
2.2.2. Find relevant quotes credible sources
2.2.3. References Books News sources Blogs Supporting Data Expert reports Third party research length of story
3. 3. Structure
3.1. Decide on your topic focus
3.2. Create list of facts
3.3. Organize facts into categories
3.4. Create a sequence from categories
3.4.1. Introduction - why are you writing about this?
3.4.2. Subhead 1
3.4.3. Subhead 2
3.4.4. Subhead 3
3.4.5. Conclusion - what summarizes what is most interesting about your topic?