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Semantics by Mind Map: Semantics

1. At its core, is the study of the changing associations between concrete, changeable forms and abstract, unchanging concepts.

2. sparrow is a prototype of the word bird

3. of component features

4. Prototype

4.1. helps explain

4.2. the meaning

4.3. of certain words

5. but in terms of resemblance

6. not in terms

7. Word play

8. to the clearest example

9. clever and witty use

10. of words and meaning


11.1. Is about the meaning of syntactically complex expressions. >Literally means "using formal methods for the study of meaning." [Nowadays there is also formal lexical semantics and discourse semantics, but the identification "formal semantics - formal sentence semantics.


13. 1. PRINCIPLE OF COMPOSITIONALITY-the meaning of an expression is uniquely determined by the meanings of its parts and their mode of combination.

14. SEMANTIC CHANGE Also known as SEMANTIC SHIFT or SEMANTIC PROGRESSION describes the evolution of word usage -usually to the point that the modern meaning is radically different from the original usage.

15. Two or more different

16. (written) forms

17. have the same pronunciation,

17.1. homophones.

18. Homophones and homonyms

18.1. one form (written or spoken)

19. more unrelated meanings,

19.1. homonyms

20. has two or

21. Polysemy

21.1. two or more words

21.1.1. with the same form

22. date (= a thing we can eat) and date (=a point in time)

23. form and related meanings,

24. Metonymy

24.1. close connection in everyday experience.

24.1.1. container–contents relation (bottle/water, can/juice)

24.1.2. whole–part relation (car/wheels, house/roof)

24.1.3. representative–symbol relationship (king/crown, the President/the White House)

25. 2. SUBSTITUTION PRINCIPLE-synonymous parts may be substituted for each other without changing the meaning of the complex expression in which they occur.