Balanced Reading Program

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Balanced Reading Program by Mind Map: Balanced Reading Program

1. Classroom Atmosphere

1.1. *encourages repeated opportunities to interact with literacy materials and activities to practice skills that students are learning

1.2. *encourages and supports speaking, listening, reading, writing in a variety of authentic ways

2. Time/Structure

2.1. *plenty of opportunities to read/write/listen/speak

2.2. *students explore books of various genres throughout the day (including during science, math, and social studies)

2.3. *time for independent and directed activities

3. Read Aloud

3.1. *set the background summary and bring in real objects to help implant the semantic cueing system

3.2. *begin with a statement that brings you into the story

3.3. *texts are above the reading level of most students

3.4. *teacher models what it looks and sounds like to read

3.5. *promotes oral development

3.6. *students make predictions and actively listen; the teacher asks questions to look for comprehension

4. Shared Reading

4.1. *goals for first reading: ensure that students enjoy the text and think about the meaning

4.2. *students take part in multiple, subsequent readings to notice more about the text.

4.3. *they discuss the text, and you select points based on their needs

4.4. *can read selected parts of the texts that focus on needs of readers

5. Materials

5.1. Student

5.1.1. *student work is displayed on walls

5.1.2. *co-created print on walls and on display

5.2. Professional

5.2.1. *classroom library filled with a variety of multicultural fiction and non-fiction books

5.2.2. *books sorted into bins, book shelves, phone books, dictionaries, menus, recipes, tactile books, adapted materials for students with disabilities

5.2.3. *realia

5.2.4. tables, chairs, rugs, mats, cushions

5.2.5. *daily schedule, word walls, classroom helper list, morning message, signs, directions, labels, anchor charts, alphabet displays, bulletin boards

5.2.6. *iPads, chrome books, games, SMARTboard, slant boards, variety of writing tools, pencil grips

6. Physical Space

6.1. *allows for whole group, small group, and independent work

6.2. *literacy workstations

7. Independent Reading

7.1. *allow time in the daily schedule for students to routinely use the library

7.2. *include books in the first language of ELL students

7.3. *provide choices

7.4. *students share their thinking through discussion and writing

7.5. *provide mini lessons to help children learn and apply techniques for choosing books

7.6. *developmentally and age-appropriate texts based on their interests

8. Guided Reading

8.1. *differentiated, strategic, needs based

8.2. *provide teaching across the lesson to support students in building the in-the-head network of strategic actions for processing increasingly challenging tasks

8.3. *students read the texts softly or silently and individually

8.4. *engage children in letter/word work activities