NY EnlightenNext Culture

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NY EnlightenNext Culture by Mind Map: NY EnlightenNext Culture

1. Ventures/Permeable Edge

1.1. explicitly connected to EN/EE

1.1.1. Meditation virtual blog/podcasts

1.1.2. Open Future Institute

1.2. implicitly connected to EN/EE

1.2.1. Women in Leadership talks

1.2.2. Psychology of Health videos

1.2.3. Meditation for Health Practitioners

1.2.4. Teilhard movie project

1.3. Informed by EE

1.3.1. Improvolution

1.3.2. She4C

1.3.3. Mediators Beyond Borders

1.3.4. Women's Movie Nights

1.3.5. "Ladies Room" show & podcasts


3. Partnerships/Collaborations (formally/publicly representing EN/Evolutionary Enlightenment)

3.1. collaborations

3.1.1. Integral/EN Collaborations

3.1.2. Men's Translineage Holon

3.1.3. Rubin Museum

3.2. relationships

3.2.1. Integral Meetup

3.2.2. Allen Steinfeld

3.2.3. Todd (TedX networker)

3.2.4. TEDX Global Relationships

3.2.5. Vistar

3.3. invitations to events by others

3.3.1. New Realities

3.3.2. Andrew's speaking engagements/invitations

4. EnlightenNext Events/Programs

4.1. Regionally generated

4.1.1. Weekly Book Study D-group (ECAT)

4.2. NY generated

4.2.1. Monthly Meditation Sunday

4.2.2. CC Retreat Weekend

4.2.3. Evolutionary Spirituality Meetup

4.2.4. Daily morning meditation phone call

4.2.5. EP phase 1 local team

4.2.6. Weekly Core meetings executive committee RC & DC

4.2.7. NY Core Meetings/Dinners