FMP - producing an EP

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FMP - producing an EP by Mind Map: FMP - producing an EP

1. composing

1.1. samples

1.2. ideas from other artists

1.3. application of own musical knowledge

1.4. use of different instruments

1.5. good knowledge of software use

1.6. use of microphones

1.7. applying research

2. time management

2.1. decision making

2.2. constant referring back to the time plan

2.3. make sure all work is completed as soon as possible

2.4. prioritising the areas that need initial attention

2.5. strategic thinking

2.6. multitasking

3. marketing

3.1. Snapchat

3.1.1. stories

3.2. Instagram

3.2.1. posts on timeline

3.2.2. stories

3.3. Facebook

3.3.1. posts on timeline

3.3.2. stories

3.4. building a fanbase

3.5. TikTok

3.5.1. going live?

3.5.2. posting videos

4. proposal & pitch

4.1. context

4.2. primary + secondary research

4.3. problem solving

4.4. planning and producing

4.5. practical skills

4.6. resources

4.6.1. studio space

4.6.2. microphones

4.6.3. instruments

4.7. feedback

4.7.1. family + friends

4.7.2. online surverys

4.7.3. radio stations

4.8. evaluation

5. initial ideas

5.1. collaborative EP

5.2. 1-2 songs + music video

5.3. podcast

6. primary research

6.1. sheet music

6.2. use of musical instruments

6.3. documented research on how different artists produce their music

6.4. contacting artists and asking about their experiences/seeking advice

6.5. recordings of musical performances

6.6. historical and temporary research

7. secondary research

7.1. documentaries

7.2. interviews

7.3. books analysing other artist work

7.4. websites

7.5. YouTube videos