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Trend categories by Mind Map: Trend categories

1. Human-centered design

1.1. NUI: natural user interface: gestures & touch

1.2. audio & visual interfaces

1.3. accessibility

1.4. minimalism & micropublishing

1.5. importance of beauty

1.6. infographics

2. Location-independence

2.1. startup of you

2.2. future of work

2.3. digital nomads

2.4. cloud

2.5. co-working

3. Learning by creating

3.1. DIY movement

3.2. Lean startups, agile methods

3.3. Design thinking

3.4. MOOCs

3.5. 3d printing, fab labs, maker spaces

3.6. gamification

3.7. the importance of play

4. Social good

4.1. crowdfunding, Kiva, Kickstarter

4.2. sharable economy

4.3. access vs. ownership

4.4. exponential change, abundance

4.5. open publishing, new peer review

4.6. open source

4.7. open data

4.8. transparency

4.9. local food, local currencies

4.10. slow food, slowing down, minimalism