Developmenatal Theories of Language

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Developmenatal Theories of Language by Mind Map: Developmenatal Theories of Language

1. Nativist

1.1. Noam Chomsky

1.2. syntactic

1.3. We are preprogrammed to acquire language

1.4. explained by universal grammer

1.5. Nature

2. Cognitive Developmentalist

2.1. Jean Piaget

2.2. semantic

2.2.1. morphemic

2.3. Language is acquired as we grow and development

2.4. for language to devlop specific cognitive growth must happen first

2.5. Nature

3. Interactionist

3.1. Vygotsky

3.1.1. Brunner Halliday

3.2. Pragmatic

3.3. Nurture

3.4. Language is developed due to sociocultural interactions

3.5. learning is developed through sociolization

4. Behaviorist

4.1. B.F. Skinner

4.2. syntactic

4.2.1. semantic morphemic

4.3. Nurture

4.4. Learning occurs due to stimuli, response, and reinforccement